Weight Loss

Understanding the Root Causes of Weight Gain

We introduce a new perspective on food, while scientifically proven prescription medications support your healthy choices.

Overweight and obesity result from a complex interplay between our genetic predisposition to store weight and the environment we live in. It’s crucial to recognize that this is not an issue of laziness or a lack of self-control; it’s a medical condition that requires appropriate treatment. If simply knowing which foods to eat were enough, most of us wouldn’t struggle with weight. Unfortunately, our environment often works against us, with limited access to healthy food options, insufficient time to prepare nutritious meals, and the stress of a busy modern lifestyle. Medications like semaglutide, tirzepatide, and phentermine can help level the playing field by reducing appetite and curbing food cravings, empowering you to make healthier choices for your life.

Comprehensive medical history, bloodwork and EKG

Ongoing dietary guidance

Daily meal plans tailored to fit your needs and goals

Medications prescribed that you take home the day of your visit.

Benefits of Medical Weight Loss

Medical weight loss offers a comprehensive approach by combining prescription medications with individualized plans tailored to your unique needs. This method targets the underlying factors contributing to weight gain, providing a more effective and sustainable solution than diet and exercise alone. By addressing these root causes, medical weight loss not only helps you achieve your weight goals but also supports long-term health improvements, enhancing your overall well-being.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Lowers risk factors for heart disease by reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Improved Fertility

Improves reproductive health and boosts fertility, especially in women with PCOS or hormonal imbalances.

Better Blood Sugar Control

Helps manage and prevent Type 2 Diabetes through weight loss and lifestyle changes.

Mental Health Benefits

Enhances mood, self-esteem, and overall mental well-being.

Joint Pain Relief

Reduces joint strain, alleviating pain and improving mobility, particularly for conditions like arthritis.

Reduced Risk of Certain Cancers

Linked to a decreased risk of certain cancers, including breast and colon cancer.

Enhanced Respiratory Function

Improves breathing and lessens the severity of sleep apnea.

Better Hormonal Balance

Aids in normalizing hormone levels, positively affecting various bodily functions.

Boosted Energy Levels

Increases energy and vitality through weight loss.

We Provide Best Weight Lose Services


GLP-I Injections ( Semaglutide ) Sourced FDA inspected Facility( make FDA inspected in bold. ) Loose 15-20% of body weight ( include here a learn more tab).


GLP-I Injection. Tirzepatide lose 20-25% body weight. Sourced from FDA inspected facility.


Phentermine supports weight loss by curbing cravings and boosting energy. It’s taken once daily for a short term, as part of a broader plan that includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Take the First Step Towards a Better Health

Start your wellness journey with just a click. At Forest Wellness MD, scheduling is quick and easy, whether you’re a new patient or returning for a follow-up.

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(+1) 826 240 7562

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Begin with a free consultation with our medical assistant to explore your health goals and how we can assist you.